
Updated 28.06.2024

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University to host Digital Northampton’s summer symposium

The University of Northampton is hosting an event which aims to raise Northamptonshire’s reputation as…

27 March 2019

Games Art students’ Hanging Gardens of Babylon walkthrough is screened in Westminster – and by US media giant

A University of Northampton project which has breathed life into one of the Seven Wonders…

13 March 2019

BBC’s roving reporter Tom finds out how our students are helping school pupils to crack coding

A school code club run by University of Northampton students was featured on BBC Radio…

4 March 2019

Digital Northampton aims to halt town’s brain drain of tech graduates

An ambitious project to develop, connect and promote Northamptonshire’s digital industries could play a major…

18 February 2019

Students and school pupils buddy up for coding club initiative

Students and staff from the University of Northampton are buddying up with secondary school pupils…

7 February 2019

University and Academy link up will be a force for good in Northampton

The University of Northampton has joined forces with Northampton International Academy in a move that…

22 January 2019

University team develops way for web cams to help students with Asperger’s improve their academic performance

A research team from the University of Northampton has developed computer technology to help students…

7 January 2019

New partnership in Egypt will develop excellent opportunities for students

A new partnership between the University of Northampton and the Arab Academy for Science, Technology…

23 October 2018

University of Northampton recognised for being one of a handful of institutions teaching and researching Blockchain

The University of Northampton has been recognised as one of only a handful of Higher…

4 September 2018

Computing experts bring history to life at Chester Farm

A site of significant historical importance that’s hidden from view is being brought to life…

22 August 2018

Research questions whether virtual reality teaching is as good as traditional methods

Using virtual reality (VR) technology to teach in universities might not be as conducive to…

19 April 2018

University inspires next generation to get into computer coding

The University of Northampton is playing a role in trying to plug Europe’s IT skills…

21 March 2018

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