
Updated 28.06.2024

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In the news: 30 July-5 August 2021

A round up of mentions of our students, staff and the University in the media…

5 August 2021

Nothing prickly at UON with hedgehog-friendly silver status

There’s nothing prickly about the University’s commitment to protecting an iconic but endangered animal, after…

4 May 2021

BLOG: Climate change in the time of a pandemic

Here, University Energy Officer, Danielle Bird, who is also a UON Environmental Science graduate, considers…

5 January 2021

BLOG: Welcome to the Green Industrial Revolution

In November 2020, the UK Government announced ambitious plans for a Green Industrial Revolution. The…

24 November 2020

Green thumbs up for outstanding environmental performance at UON

The University of Northampton has been recognised at the Investors in the Environment Awards for…

19 October 2020

In the news 14 – 20 February 2020

A round-up of mentions in the media of University students and staff during the past…

20 February 2020

Northampton urged to ‘sip and separate’ for recycling campaign

Northampton is set to be a cleaner, greener town thanks to a new recycling scheme.…

13 February 2020

Grads come back to campus to inspire Geography and Environmental Science students

A speed dating-style event at the University of Northampton allowed Geography and Environmental Science students…

11 February 2020

In the news: 31 January – 6 February 2020

A round-up of mentions of our students and lecturers in the media during the past…

6 February 2020

In the News: 10-16 Jan 2020

A round up of mentions of University students and staff in the media over the…

16 January 2020

Filip’s United Arab Emirates adventure bolsters his course and career credentials

A student with ambitions to work in the fields of wildlife conservation and biodiversity has…

14 January 2020

Bush fires pose extinction threat to Australian species warns UON researcher

A University of Northampton researcher who is currently in Australia fears the bush fires are…

13 January 2020

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