
Updated 28.06.2024

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Smiles all around as lecturer delivers mouth care that matters

Northamptonshire is smiling thanks to a University lecturer and county partners who are on a…

18 December 2019

Student goes the extra mile and helps homeless man get back on his feet

A local man who had been homeless for several years is now rehoused and on…

11 December 2019

What does a new regulator for social workers mean for students?

Social Work England has been announced as the new regulator for the profession. Robin Sturman-Coombs…

11 December 2019

In the spirit of sharing, social care and health students ‘go Dutch’

Students learned valuable lessons in developing trust and communicating better with their future service users…

19 November 2019

New Dean of the Faculty of Health, Education and Society is appointed

Dr Jacob Saranga has been appointed as the new Dean of the Faculty of Health,…

6 November 2019

In the News (27 September – 3 October 2019)

A round-up of mentions in the media of our students and staff during the past…

3 October 2019

Every Girl Matters for intrepid students

Helping African girls stay in school for longer and empowering them with a better education…

30 September 2019

Getting to know you: new students start learning with peers across subject areas

New students from podiatry to policing start their degrees this year with the spirit of…

25 September 2019

Waterside role proves the right move for social media savvy lecturer

The University’s mission statement to be ‘future focused’ and utilise new technologies is being thoroughly…

6 August 2019

Social care lecturer is on an employability mission as she returns to University

Her knowledge about what employers want and how to navigate the social care and social…

23 July 2019

New social care degree helped Spanish student make Northampton his first choice

Northampton has quickly become a home-from-home for one European student who made the University his…

18 June 2019

Lecturer takes University’s teaching style and new FHS curriculum to Cyprus

How the University teaches students in the twenty first century – including changes to Faculty…

21 May 2019

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