
Updated 28.06.2024

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No time to waste: recycling and composting targets loom

Academics from the School of Science and Technology at the University of Northampton, have had…

11 November 2015

Tony Covington is the word’s first DSc in Leather Technology

Tony will become the world's very first Doctor of Science (DSc) graduate in Leather Technology. Tony,…

11 November 2015

Voice of a Child: academic speaks at conference to improve child mental health

Dr Eunice Lumsden, Head of Early Years at the University of Northampton, spoke at a…

11 November 2015

Vice Chancellor’s cunning plan on volcanoes

The Vice Chancellor was featured alongside actor, comedian and broadcaster, Tony Robinson, in Birth of…

11 November 2015

Former University Vice Chancellor receives CBE

Ann began her career in secondary education in North Manchester and held several teaching posts…

11 November 2015

HRH The Princess Royal presents WISE Award to the University

Trish Goodchild, School of Science and Technology, The University of Northampton, received the WISE Outreach…

11 November 2015

University Teaching Fellowships announced for 2010/11

The University of Northampton's Teaching Fellowships celebrate excellent work in learning and teaching within the…

11 November 2015

Recruitment drive on Professorships and lecturer posts

The new positions will further add to the University's academic and entrepreneurial talent. The Chairs…

11 November 2015

UN graduate’s paint-a-thon for neurology hospital

​​A Fine Art graduate from the University of Northampton is aiming to raise thousands of…

11 November 2015

Palestinian human rights campaigner to talk at UN

​​A long-time campaigner for Palestinian human rights will be appearing at an event at the…

11 November 2015

Week of Action: Volunteers wanted

BBC News reports now suggest that over 6,000 people are living in makeshift campus outside…

11 November 2015

Tulip Mazumdar wins the Crick Science Journalism Award

The University of Northampton is pleased to announce that the recipient of this year's Crick…

11 November 2015

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