
Updated 28.06.2024

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£84billion on ice: What’s next for the events industry?

Almost overnight, the Events industry came to a halt, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, leaving…

1 October 2020

Virtual research café was the bee’s knees

The team behind a series of ‘science for the price of a cuppa’ research discussions…

2 July 2020

Three county universities collaborate to help young people Aspire Higher

Keeping secondary students on track to further their qualifications and achieve career excellence has continued…

1 July 2020

Poor sleep will be put to bed during awareness day

The benefits of getting a good night’s kip will be revealed as part of a…

26 February 2020

Waterside pet food conference was the best in show

Animal nutrition science and expert opinion were ‘brought to heel’ at Waterside last week (Thu…

17 February 2020

Lecturers set to ‘prop up the bar’ with free psychology in the pub discussion

The University mission to take science out of the classroom and into the community continues…

13 November 2019

Science for the price of a coffee with new research café

The latest scientific research will be placed under the microscope for Northamptonians when a new…

11 October 2019

Student gains event planning skills and invites you to May Day Bank Holiday Ball

A Social Care student has branched out into event management by organising a benefit night…

17 April 2019

Event shines the spotlight on disabled employees next week

A University student who starred in a BBC documentary will be among those on-hand at…

12 March 2019

Leading tourism and hospitality expert joins the University of Northampton

Students on the University of Northampton’s events, tourism and hospitality programmes will benefit from the…

2 November 2018

Business and Law students encouraged to take on placements with big brands

Some of the UK’s leading companies will be out to attract the best and brightest…

25 October 2018

Careers day for school students is far from being a ‘car crash’

University of Northampton became a scene of action and discovery today when part of Park…

6 June 2018

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