
Updated 28.06.2024

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Delapré Abbey festival to feature Fine Art students’ work

Creative students from the University of Northampton will be giving visitors to Delapré Abbey guided…

16 May 2019

Town shopping centre set to host fine art exhibition

Fine Art students from the University of Northampton will be exhibiting their work in the…

8 May 2019

Guest lecture to examine art’s role in changing minds about climate change

The University of Northampton has organised a guest lecture which will see artist Malcolm Miles…

11 March 2019

Michael reveals what it was like to be a Portrait Artist of the Year contestant

University of Northampton Fine Art graduate, Michael Sheppard, has spoken about his appearance as a…

7 March 2019

BBC’s roving reporter Tom finds out how our students are helping school pupils to crack coding

A school code club run by University of Northampton students was featured on BBC Radio…

4 March 2019

Brilliant Beth has no regrets after Portrait Artist of the Year appearance

Artist Beth Sparks has spoken about the pressure of having to be quick on the…

27 February 2019

Abbie and Inese represent University of Northampton at graduate art exhibition

Stunning work created by two University of Northampton students is featured in a graduate exhibition…

27 February 2019

Self sketch leads to Portrait Artist of the Year appearance for graduate Michael

A University of Northampton graduate is set to star in the latest series of Sky…

11 February 2019

Fine Art four immerse themselves in experimental social art project

Four Fine Art students from the University of Northampton have enjoyed an amazing opportunity to…

25 October 2018

Abbie is in the running for title of region’s finest graduate artist

A hugely talented student from the University of Northampton is in the running for a…

25 October 2018

Emma’s art shines the spotlight on England’s faded seaside towns

The murkier underbelly of English seaside towns has been uncovered in a project by a…

1 October 2018

Fine Art students exhibit their work at Lamport Hall

Visitors to one of Northamptonshire’s best-loved historic houses will be able to view new works…

16 August 2018

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