
Updated 28.06.2024

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Interview with Dallas Campbell: Science is for everyone, not just scientists

Since leaving the University of Northampton in 1992 as a drama student, Dallas Campbell has…

26 July 2018

TV presenter Dallas Campbell awarded an Honorary Master of Arts from University of Northampton

TV star Dallas Campbell has received an Honorary Master of Arts from the University of…

26 July 2018

Countess Spencer to be awarded Honorary Fellowship

Countess Spencer will receive an Honorary Fellowship from the University of Northampton at this year’s…

24 July 2018

Lecturer pays tribute to determined graduate Dennis

The University of Northampton is saddened to report 2017 graduate Dennis Newlove has passed away.…

8 August 2017

Dr Jane Doughty awarded an Honorary Doctorate from University of Northampton

Dr Jane Doughty, a pioneer in education, has received an Honorary Doctorate from the University…

24 July 2017

Double celebrations in store for award winning graduates of 2017

There were double (and, for some, triple) celebrations for some of our students during graduation…

21 July 2017

Revd Richard Coles joins graduating students as he officially becomes Chancellor

BBC radio broadcaster, television presenter, Church of England priest and half of 80s pop duo…

18 July 2017

Hospice plays host to determined Dennis for moving graduation ceremony

A terminally ill student from the University of Northampton has had his own private degree…

21 June 2017

DON’T follow my example – BBC Radio presenter’s sound advice for students

Award-winning BBC Radio presenter Jane Garvey has urged students at the University of Northampton NOT…

20 February 2017

Preparing students for the world of work

Casting directors, actors, designers, fashionistas and media professionals will all be sharing career advice at this…

19 January 2017

Celebrations in Hong Kong for Graduates and leading CEO

Global links with Northampton were celebrated at the University of Northampton’s Hong Kong Graduation ceremony…

31 March 2016

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