
Updated 28.06.2024

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Advanced Clinical Practice courses given stamp of approval

A University team’s work ensuring two courses are tip-top for healthcare staff wanting to progress…

12 May 2021

Blog: The great outdoors. Enjoy nature, boost your mental health

Today marks the start of the Mental Health Foundation’s annual awareness week and this year’s…

10 May 2021

Nurse Cadets scheme starts at UON

Boosting the number of healthcare professionals moves up a level thanks to a new, ‘work…

30 April 2021

Midwifery students join new council at NGH

Midwifery students committed to ensuring their voice helps their peers, workmates and patients have joined…

15 April 2021

Giving IVF mums great care: Midwifery student Ellie’s journey

A student’s very personal mission to give expert care to IVF mums like her own…

31 March 2021

Community of Online Learning: CoOL experiences that were open to all

Members of the local community felt involved, inspired and interested in learning more, following a…

30 March 2021

Keep ‘CoOL’ and calm with lockdown learning lessons

*Updated 25 February 2021 with details about the Maths Monster session. Those who want to…

17 February 2021

Hard work and diligence win student a national award

The leadership, influence, empathy skills and diligence of a hard-working nursing student have positively benefitted…

28 October 2020

Toe-ing the line. A podiatry student’s familial connection

It's Allied Health Professions Day 2020 today and we continue our week-long focus on the…

14 October 2020

County health professionals are allied for awareness activities

This Wednesday marks the national Allied Health Professions (AHP) Day, when members of professions as…

12 October 2020

Positive psychology vibes to avoid ‘COVID fatigue’

With the pandemic situation constantly evolving, it can be challenging to keep on top of…

9 October 2020

Giving more people confidence about mental health matters

Despite the pandemic, the University’s mental health first aid team (MHFA) have been busy continuing…

14 September 2020

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