
Updated 28.06.2024

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University alumni and staff in shoebox appeal for the homeless

Staff and alumni from the University of Northampton are appealing for donations to fill shoe…

10 December 2018

Nursing student to bed down with the homeless this week

An enterprising nursing student who is passionate about helping homeless people is putting her principles…

28 November 2018

Blog: Students’ Children in Need fancy dress advice is on trend

This year the Child Nursing course are doing a fundraising dress up event to raise…

9 November 2018

Ghana school hoping to start new chapter after book donation

An under-privileged school in Ghana has thanked students at the University of Northampton for providing…

7 November 2018

Dress up to help charity total go up, up and away

With great fund-raising power comes great charitable responsibility as students and staff from across the…

1 November 2018

Nursing team Snowdon Trekkers battled Storm Callum for charity

Walking to the peak of Mount Snowdon, an idea originally formed in the warmth of…

18 October 2018

Nursing lecturers scale new heights with Snowdon charity climb

University of Northampton Nursing lecturers are scaling new heights as part of their on-going efforts…

26 September 2018

Nursing lecturer is on the run again for charity this weekend

A nursing lecturer shows that time heals all running injuries by signing up for his…

4 September 2018

Midwifery students are off to Africa to deliver help and support

Two intrepid Midwifery students are putting their knowledge and skills to good use by travelling…

20 August 2018

Waste not, want not – University donates tonnes of equipment to charity

The University of Northampton has donated over ten tonnes of unwanted health and education equipment…

7 August 2018

United Amayi – empowering Malawi, one woman at a time

It started as a passion project for one charitable traveller, and four years on the…

15 May 2018

Marrow Group wins big at annual SU awards ceremony

A committee of students’ fundraising and charity profile raising activities have been rewarded with a…

8 May 2018

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