
Updated 28.06.2024

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Teams share resources and thoughts on World Suicide Prevention Day

Today marks World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD), when people across the globe raise awareness of…

10 September 2020

Blog: Lessons for Covid-19 and future pandemics

Dr Jamal Nasir is Associate Professor in Human Genetics and Genomics and has been following…

10 September 2020

In the news 24 – 30 July 2020

A round-up of mentions of UON staff and students in the media. Nick Cartwright, Senior…

30 July 2020

Nursing well-being strategy gets a kickboxing stamp of approval

A new initiative offered to support nursing students’ well-being has received an official ‘stamp’ of…

15 July 2020

Nursing students’ thoughts about online learning in new research

Online learning provides nursing students with the confidence to ask questions and develop core skills…

9 July 2020

Lecturer’s tips to keep key workers comfortably on their feet

Key workers on their feet all day should forget the flip flops and hang up…

17 June 2020

Keep brushing through lockdown to keep smiling for life

It’s the month for health awareness campaigns. As well as Mental Health Awareness Week celebrating…

20 May 2020

A wall of positivity. Nursing team share words of kindness

Members of the University’s Nursing team have added their words of kindness and encouragement as…

19 May 2020

More students ‘do their bit’ for the health service

Nearly 300 University of Northampton health students have now joined up to give more hours…

24 April 2020

Lecturing in the time of COVID-19

Public Health lecturer Lewis Waterfield, like all UON academics, has been busier than usual this…

27 March 2020

Lecturer’s person-centred teaching wins European award

A lecturer’s commitment to ensure future therapists always keep their patients and clients at the…

12 March 2020

Not so stranger than fiction: the benefits of reading for pleasure

Today is University Mental Health Day when universities up and down the country highlight how…

5 March 2020

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