
Updated 28.06.2024

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Marketing students get hi-tech insight

Advertising and Digital Marketing students got a glimpse of their professional futures this week when…

15 January 2018

In the News: 4 – 11 January

This week's round up of University news coverage.   New Year is traditionally a time…

11 January 2018

Jewellery firm’s generosity means Billy and Amber have a sparkling future ahead of them

Two students from the University of Northampton have been given a helping hand to fulfil…

19 December 2017

Dan gets Cherry picked to work in the Premier League

A football-mad graduate from the University of Northampton has made a quick fire move from…

25 October 2017

It wasn’t the end of the world – it was the beginning of an amazing adventure for Emily

Not getting the A-level grades you wanted needn’t be a barrier to securing your place…

8 August 2017

University’s close relationship with sports agency group pays off for James

A sport-mad student is the latest to benefit from the University of Northampton’s close relationship…

11 July 2017

Organisations sing the praises of our students’ DING

An initiative by University of Northampton students which aimed to help charities and organisations to…

22 June 2017

Our beer man says Northants is in the middle of a brewing boom

The University of Northampton’s drinks industry expert has had the tough job of investigating Northamptonshire’s…

23 May 2017

Brexit could put the fizz into UK wine industry says University of Northampton expert

The UK’s wine industry could be in line for a major boost if the cost…

29 March 2017

Problem-solving students help charities to help themselves

With little or zero money to spend on digital marketing, charities often turn to university…

23 March 2017

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