
Updated 28.06.2024

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Coca-Cola sustainability expert puts the fizz into new guest lecture initiative

Students seeking a career in sustainability are being given direct access to some of the…

24 October 2018

Conserve the planet and boost your career? There’s a course for that

The University of Northampton has launched a postgraduate course for those who want to either…

9 July 2018

Road trippers take in some of the best sights the States has to offer

Geography students from the University of Northampton have returned from the study trip of a…

12 June 2018

GSA Conference 2018 preview: Life in Brexit Britain and the effect of ‘Neo-liberalism’ on divorce

The rapid rise in divorce rates and a decline in human well-being since the early…

15 May 2018

University of Northampton waste expert joins Scotland’s fight against throwaway culture

A waste expert from the University of Northampton has joined a Scottish Government panel set…

11 May 2018

Waterside partners buddy up with local park group

Northampton-based volunteer group Buddies of Beckets (BOB) celebrated the installation of three eye-catching planters created…

23 March 2018

Could you save the planet – and get paid for doing it?

Global warming, pollution, plastics clogging up our oceans, wildlife facing extinction – environmental catastrophes seem…

30 January 2018

University helps secure National Lottery funding for £5m investment into Nene Valley

A five-year partnership to improve, develop, and celebrate the River Nene and its surrounds was…

10 November 2017

University launches Living Lab to help tackle sustainability issues in the local community

A project which connects researchers to members of the local community in a bid to…

31 October 2017

Glovely gesture by geography undergrads

Students at the University of Northampton are giving older people a helping hand to keep…

31 October 2017

Water harvesting expert jets in from India to pass on his knowledge to students

An expert in water conservation travelled more than 4,000 miles to the University of Northampton…

12 October 2017

UK’s massive food waste problem to be tackled

Every year the UK throws away 10 million tonnes of food – most heading for…

4 October 2017

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