
Updated 28.06.2024

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New apprenticeship starts during national celebration week

Today marks the close of National Apprenticeship Week, the annual celebration of apprenticeships across England.…

7 February 2020

Student’s Indian trip was the jewel in the nursing crown

A nursing student’s overseas clinical placement ‘of a lifetime’ has stood her in good stead…

5 February 2020

Report finds listening to your elders can create a town centre fit for all

The views of older people can save money during urban regeneration schemes, boost trade in…

3 February 2020

University is not ‘Inside Out’ with award nod for mental health training

The University’s drive to make students and staff better able to help people facing mental…

29 January 2020

Student uses personal heartbreak to focus on delivering great care

For most teenagers, the path toward maturity is paved with plenty of growing pains but…

16 January 2020

Christmas health and wellbeing advice from the Mental Health Nursing team

As you wrap presents, keep the children entertained and cook a meal for the family,…

20 December 2019

Smiles all around as lecturer delivers mouth care that matters

Northamptonshire is smiling thanks to a University lecturer and county partners who are on a…

18 December 2019

Midwifery student Kia nominated for national health award

A Midwifery student’s top-level care for babies and families has been recognised with a nomination…

17 December 2019

In the spirit of sharing, social care and health students ‘go Dutch’

Students learned valuable lessons in developing trust and communicating better with their future service users…

19 November 2019

County people experiencing frailty set to benefit from academic’s insight

Giving people who are experiencing frailty better health and social care is the driving ambition…

14 November 2019

New Dean of the Faculty of Health, Education and Society is appointed

Dr Jacob Saranga has been appointed as the new Dean of the Faculty of Health,…

6 November 2019

In the News: 18-24 October 2019

A round-up of mentions in the media this past week of the University and our…

24 October 2019

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