
Updated 28.06.2024

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Student’s top tips for beating a Covid creativity block

A student who conquered a recent bout of Covid creative block has used her videography…

7 September 2020

Not putting a foot in it. Student Ektaa’s podiatry video diary

One University student hasn’t let lockdown get her down by creating a video diary to…

23 July 2020

In the news: 10-16 July 2020

A round-up of mentions of our students and staff in the media during the past…

16 July 2020

Lecturer’s tips to keep key workers comfortably on their feet

Key workers on their feet all day should forget the flip flops and hang up…

17 June 2020

Podiatry team provided life-saving service during lockdown

Lockdown may have closed most of the University of Northampton's buildings, but one health team…

12 June 2020

Pandemic Paramedics. Students talk about ambulance lockdown

University health students have been busy throughout lockdown, with those from Nursing, Occupational Therapy and…

11 June 2020

More students ‘do their bit’ for the health service

Nearly 300 University of Northampton health students have now joined up to give more hours…

24 April 2020

Lecturing in the time of COVID-19

Public Health lecturer Lewis Waterfield, like all UON academics, has been busier than usual this…

27 March 2020

‘Podiatry Pete’ has feet in two camps

A former podiatry student has spoken about walking the walk of two professions he loves…

9 March 2020

Podiatry graduate who moved down under gives thumbs up for lecturers

A graduate who switched professions has also switched what side of the planet she works…

18 November 2019

County people experiencing frailty set to benefit from academic’s insight

Giving people who are experiencing frailty better health and social care is the driving ambition…

14 November 2019

Football club for children with a learning disability hits the back of the net

Italian children who have a learning disability have seen their social and physical development improve,…

7 November 2019

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