
Updated 28.06.2024

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In the news: 10-16 July 2020

A round-up of mentions of our students and staff in the media during the past…

16 July 2020

We Need LGBT+ Allies…and universities can shape them (Blog)

Dr Sebastian Bartos, Lecturer in Social Psychology, blogs about Pride London 2020 and why we…

23 June 2020

New research is looking to hear from ‘pandemic academics’ and students

How academics and university students have been coping during lockdown forms new research from the…

3 June 2020

Food for thought with ‘pandemic eating’ research

People's eating habits during the pandemic are providing food for thought in a new piece…

13 May 2020

In the news: 3-9 April 2020

A round-up of mentions in the media of University staff and students during the past…

9 April 2020

‘Productive procrastination’. Psychology students’ top tips for staying coronavirus cool, calm and collected

Senior Lecturer in Psychology Dr Charlotte Dann blogs for us, imparting words of wisdom from…

27 March 2020

Explosive emotions and missions to Mars at local schools

Local primary schools were temporarily turned into effervescent emotions labs and mini-Cape Canaverals, when University…

23 March 2020

Lecturer’s person-centred teaching wins European award

A lecturer’s commitment to ensure future therapists always keep their patients and clients at the…

12 March 2020

In the news: 6-12 March 2020

A round-up of mentions of our students and staff in the media over the past…

12 March 2020

Not so stranger than fiction: the benefits of reading for pleasure

Today is University Mental Health Day when universities up and down the country highlight how…

5 March 2020

Students – and lecturer – to inspire young minds about the wonders of STEM

A lecturer’s passion to open children’s eyes to the wonders of science and technology continues…

27 February 2020

In the news 14 – 20 February 2020

A round-up of mentions in the media of University students and staff during the past…

20 February 2020

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