
Updated 28.06.2024

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Voice conference is back for a second year after striking the right chord with vocal industry experts

Some of the best voices in the Midlands will be coming to Northampton thanks to…

22 August 2019

Turning down drama school for university was a first-class decision for Clearing student Michael

Budding actor Michael Gukas snubbed several drama schools to join the University of Northampton via…

30 July 2019

Working and studying while pregnant doesn’t faze successful student Juanaya

A super-mum from the University of Northampton is living proof that hard work and determination…

25 July 2019

Students investigate car crash aftermath at careers taster day

Students from across Northamptonshire assembled at Waterside today for a taste of higher education during…

12 June 2019

Acting students give homeless charity a helping hand after being moved by poverty research

Students behind a play examining the impact of poverty on families were so moved by…

13 May 2019

Sam gets starring Spotlight role after snubbing engineering for acting

A college course U-turn has paid off for Sam Brown, who has earned the opportunity…

30 April 2019

More than 40 shows in a week – get ready for Acting students’ Fringe Festival

Theatre-goers in Northampton will be spoilt for choice next week at a fringe festival which…

24 April 2019

Music graduates have plenty in store for record shop celebration

A band featuring graduates from the University of Northampton will be playing a much-loved music…

4 April 2019

Photos: Popular Music students take over the Roadmender

Students on the Popular Music course played a series of gigs at Northampton's Roadmender venue…

2 April 2019

VIDEO: Raw onion for breakfast? Grads tackle madcap world records live on BBC Radio Northampton

University of Northampton Acting graduates Millie Hunt and Caroline Avis were joined by BBC Radio…

26 March 2019

Final year students all geared up for final fling at the Roadmender

A gig that’s been three years in the making will be coming to Northampton’s legendary…

19 March 2019

Northampton Flash Theatre Festival-goers can treat themselves to 12 different shows in just six days

Forty actors will perform 36 shows in the space of six days during April’s Flash…

12 March 2019

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