
Updated 28.06.2024

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Research Support at Northampton is number one according to our students

The University of Northampton’s Postgraduate Research Community has celebrated their research experience and support in…

14 July 2020

New apprenticeship starts during national celebration week

Today marks the close of National Apprenticeship Week, the annual celebration of apprenticeships across England.…

7 February 2020

New postgraduate research fund enables student focused changes

The University has awarded over £500 to support postgraduate research students enhance their student experience.…

23 January 2020

PhD Chat: It’s time to give this wretched world the Queen it deserves

After studying an undergraduate degree in English Literature and MA in Contemporary Literature at the…

16 January 2020

County people experiencing frailty set to benefit from academic’s insight

Giving people who are experiencing frailty better health and social care is the driving ambition…

14 November 2019

Research Students give the University of Northampton the thumbs up!

The University of Northampton’s growing reputation for postgraduate research has been heralded by students in…

31 July 2019

Nursing graduate returns following life in the health fast lane

A love of continuous learning and needing a new, professional challenge led one graduate toward…

10 June 2019

Blog: What can fairy tales teach us about society?

To celebrate National Tell a Fairy tale Day, PhD student Alicia de Barry, from the…

26 February 2019

University’s first DBA Graduates ready to make a big difference

After becoming the first recipients in the University’s history, our new DBA graduates are ready…

14 February 2019

#PhDChat with Hilary Gbedemah

Hilary Gbedemah, PhD student at the University of Northampton, a Ghanaian expert on the United…

12 February 2019

Italy loving lecturer opts for ‘La Dolce Vita’ with role at Northampton

A new addition to the Psychology team will bring extra experience to the fore as…

5 February 2019

Ghanaian finance expert awarded University scholarship

Accounting and Finance postgraduate, Patrick Yeboah, is hoping his PhD research scholarship will influence the corporate…

28 January 2019

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