
Updated 28.06.2024

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Santander and University partner to reward students with ‘big ideas’  

The University of Northampton has launched a new programme of support, in partnership with Santander…

26 October 2018

University in the news – October 4-11

This week’s round up of University stories in the media. The Blackpool Gazette featured graduate…

11 October 2018

Education Policy in Sierra Leone influenced by University of Northampton research

In 2014, the world first began to feel the impact of the Ebola outbreak in…

9 October 2018

University in the news – 28 September – 4 October

This week’s round-up of University news coverage. Times Higher Education interviewed our Vice Chancellor Nick…

4 October 2018

Social value of University of Northampton revealed in new national campaign

The value of universities beyond teaching has been laid bare in a new national campaign…

10 September 2018

In the news – 24-30 August

Jeff Ollerton, professor of biodiversity at the University of Northampton, featured in an article by the…

30 August 2018

In the news – 3-16 August

Former White House adviser Steve Bannon's hopes for a new far-right umbrella group dubbed ‘The…

16 August 2018

Waste not, want not – University donates tonnes of equipment to charity

The University of Northampton has donated over ten tonnes of unwanted health and education equipment…

7 August 2018

In the news – 26 July – 2 August

One of our PhD graduates and a D-Day veteran, Charles Betty, became the oldest person…

2 August 2018

In the news: 6 – 12 July

Our Associate Professor, Dr Mils Hills, was quoted in multiple national news outlets including The…

12 July 2018

Vice Chancellor to tell listeners how Waterside can spark start-ups and spin outs

The University of Northampton’s Vice Chancellor will explain how Waterside Campus will help to kick-start…

10 July 2018

Sam shines the spotlight on Northamptonshire’s unsung heroes

The lives of Northamptonshire’s unsung heroes have been celebrated by an up-and-coming photographer. An estate…

5 July 2018

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