
Updated 28.06.2024

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Lecturer takes University’s teaching style and new FHS curriculum to Cyprus

How the University teaches students in the twenty first century – including changes to Faculty…

21 May 2019

Occupational Therapy team’s ‘racing rehab’ recognised in national campaign

A University team who have provided support for a military personnel rehab charity has been…

16 May 2019

Podiatry student uses national programme to help peers get a better foothold on anatomy

A University student has become one of a small number accepted onto an annual national…

15 May 2019

Students choose novel volunteering placements to make a difference

At the University of Northampton, final year Occupational Therapy students undertaking their practice placement have…

15 April 2019

In it together – Midwifery and Paramedic students learn with each other

The Faculty of Health and Society is developing an 'Interprofessional Education' (IPE) strategy for students,…

21 March 2019

Student travels out of Africa and on to Finland

A student from Africa is realising her professional ambitions and combining each one of her…

21 March 2019

Occupational Therapy students step up the career ladder thanks to first ever UK training

Occupational Therapy students got ahead of their peers today (14 March), becoming the first in…

15 March 2019

Paramedic student hopes to inspire a new generation of volunteers after award win

A University of Northampton student hopes that an award for her out of hours role…

14 March 2019

Former national hockey star puts sport ‘on ice’ to join University

A former ice hockey pro who played at the national level has hung up his…

30 January 2019

Better late than never as student Cathy trains to be a paramedic…with a little help from her son

A former staff member is getting closer to realising her life’s ambition after signing up…

21 January 2019

Student goes ‘Back to School’ for lesson about Occupational Therapy

An Occupational Therapy student has returned to her roots to help demystify the profession by…

6 December 2018

Former Paramedic Science student swaps sides as new lecturer

A former Paramedic Science student has returned to the Northampton fold as the newest lecturer…

4 December 2018

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