
Updated 28.06.2024

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University students and researchers to help local man with extreme transatlantic rowing challenge

A team of staff and students from the University of Northampton will spend the next…

31 January 2017

Holocaust Memorial Day at University of Northampton highlights the importance of remembering atrocities of the past

A poignant ceremony and guest lecture, today (25 January), at the University of Northampton, highlighted…

25 January 2017

Where are they now? English and Creative Writing Graduates return to campus to share their industry top tips

A panel of six successful graduates from the University of Northampton’s English and Creative Writing…

25 January 2017

Occupational Therapy student fundraising to find a cure for daughter’s one in a million brain disease

First year Occupational Therapy student Kerry Cooke has the greatest inspiration to succeed with her…

25 January 2017

Education gets wild at the University of Northampton

Twenty-six local primary school children, from Standens Barn and Rowan Gate Primary Schools experienced wild…

19 January 2017

University proud to support Northampton General Hospital’s Bedside Book Club campaign

The University of Northampton is proud to support a new campaign by Northampton General Hospital,…

17 January 2017

London Fog celebrated at John Clare Memorial Lecture

The swirling, thick ‘pea soup’ fog which often evokes a sense of foreboding was the…

6 January 2017

Sean designs advent calendar to help families cope with sensory overload

A University of Northampton student has developed a festive survival guide for parents with children…

19 December 2016

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