
Updated 28.06.2024

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In the news: 3-9 April 2020

A round-up of mentions in the media of University staff and students during the past…

9 April 2020

Nursing students sign up to support the NHS

More than 200 nursing students have answered the government’s call to step up and help…

7 April 2020

University team provides online ‘first aid for the mind’ training

Training to recognise when our mental health may be changing is easier to access, with…

2 April 2020

Not so stranger than fiction: the benefits of reading for pleasure

Today is University Mental Health Day when universities up and down the country highlight how…

5 March 2020

Poor sleep will be put to bed during awareness day

The benefits of getting a good night’s kip will be revealed as part of a…

26 February 2020

In the news 14 – 20 February 2020

A round-up of mentions in the media of University students and staff during the past…

20 February 2020

Nursing team up for more national awards

The University’s commitment to looking after the mental health of its community and a star…

13 February 2020

New apprenticeship starts during national celebration week

Today marks the close of National Apprenticeship Week, the annual celebration of apprenticeships across England.…

7 February 2020

Student’s Indian trip was the jewel in the nursing crown

A nursing student’s overseas clinical placement ‘of a lifetime’ has stood her in good stead…

5 February 2020

University is not ‘Inside Out’ with award nod for mental health training

The University’s drive to make students and staff better able to help people facing mental…

29 January 2020

Student uses personal heartbreak to focus on delivering great care

For most teenagers, the path toward maturity is paved with plenty of growing pains but…

16 January 2020

In the News: 10-16 Jan 2020

A round up of mentions of University students and staff in the media over the…

16 January 2020

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