
Updated 28.06.2024

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Student starts campaign to fund wellbeing packs to support her patients

A University of Northampton (UON) nursing student working on the COVID-front line has launched an…

16 February 2021

Express delivery…but cool, calm and professional paramedics

A Paramedic student received praise from her crew members for keeping on top of a…

2 February 2021

So, here’s the thing…expert speaker events confirmed

From a passion for comics to a love of running, the latest batch of UON…

20 January 2021

Recognise your local COVID heroes on our Power Tower

The University of Northampton’s Energy Centre tower is an important part of Northampton’s skyline, and…

18 January 2021

UON student is fighting crimes against fashion with his clothing store

A University of Northampton graduate has seen his clothing business go from strength to strength. Elis…

14 January 2021

Sport students give PE placements the thumbs up

University of Northampton (UON) Sport Development and Physical Education students in the final year of…

8 January 2021

Nursing student finds volunteering is just the right medicine

A student who pledged to become a nurse after her father died so others receive…

19 December 2020

Doctoral students see their work published

Two students from the University of Northampton Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programme have recently…

9 December 2020

Festive fun for the community thanks to student Ashlee

University of Northampton student, Ashlee Lewis-Earl, has launched a second festive community bingo game for…

3 December 2020

Psychology ‘in the pub’ event raises a virtual glass to research

Psychology students raise a virtual glass to the benefits of carrying out research after ‘taking…

19 November 2020

A mountainous effort as student Andy trains to tackle Everest

Surviving a severe stroke was just a walk in the park for one intrepid student…

11 November 2020

Student hacks up all night covering the battle for America

Journalism students from the University of Northampton will be covering the results of the American…

3 November 2020

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