
Updated 28.06.2024

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Health graduate tucks into evaluation of Northampton food and poverty programme

The University of Northampton has been appointed to lead an evaluation into the effectiveness of…

18 January 2018

Did you tune in to watch SAS: Who Dares Wins?

One of our Paramedic graduates, Matt Cornell, put his training to good use by signing…

11 January 2018

Matt dares to win Channel 4 SAS show

A Paramedic student has put his training to good use by signing up to appear…

3 January 2018

Podiatry students’ research and volunteering gets a leg up with £1,000 competition prize

Northampton Podiatry students are in with the chance of scooping £1,000 in a competition launched…

14 December 2017

Chancellor’s Fund helps graduate’s ambitions get off the ground with field-trip to China

A University of Northampton Occupational Therapy graduate has spoken about the opportunities available to her…

7 December 2017

Lecturer made examiner for peers wanting a foot in the door of prestigious college

A University of Northampton lecturer was among a handful of professionals appointed as the first…

24 November 2017

Singing group helps Northamptonshire people breathe easier and make sweet music

A group created by a University of Northampton graduate to improve people’s breathing through singing…

21 November 2017

Occupational Therapy staff and students hit top gear with Mission Motorsport

Staff and students from the University of Northampton’s Occupational Therapy team provided pit-stop support for…

15 November 2017

Blog: Getting strides ahead of my podiatry peers. A student reflects.

Australian podiatry student Matthew McGovern has just returned home after a brisk three week stint…

25 October 2017

Podiatry experts gather in Northampton to guide future professionals

Podiatry undergraduates from across England came to the University of Northampton to find out first-hand…

20 October 2017

University of Northampton students sign up for sign language

Northampton students are supplementing their courses by studying British Sign Language (BSL) to help them…

19 October 2017

Podiatry research at the University of Northampton treads the international stage

Podiatric study at the University of Northampton continues to tread the international stage after recent…

20 September 2017

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