PM David Cameron praises Daventry and other University Technical Colleges for their work with students
Date 16.11.2015
Prime Minister David Cameron was asked to consider the role of University Technical Colleges during Prime Minister’s Question Time in the House of Commons on 5 February.
David Cameron was asked by Chris Heaton-Harris, Conservative MP for Daventry, about his support for the UTC initiative – in particular Daventry UTC which is supported by the University of Northampton. David Cameron explained: “making sure we have the best skills and the best schools is an absolute key part of our economic plan, and I support very much the UTC movement.”
David Cameron continued: “The number of pupils taught in underperforming schools under this government has fallen by 250,000 in 4 years – again that is just a statistic, but tens of thousands of young people will be have the chance to get a good education, a good future and the chance to get a job and be involved in our modern economy. UTCs are well placed to help thousands of students in the future.”
David Edmondson, Principal of Daventry UTC commented: “I am delighted that the UTC movement was raised in the House of Commons with the Prime Minister and that he was enthusiastic about what UTCs, such as Daventry’s, can provide for young people. The support throughout the House was also extremely encouraging.”
The University of Northampton supports the Daventry UTC in partnership with lead sponsor Moulton College, Daventry District Council and Northamptonshire County Council.
The UTC offers 14 to 19-year-olds an innovative mix of academic studies, technical learning, employer-led design projects and work placements based around specialisms in the areas of engineering, modern methods of construction or environmental sustainability.
For more information on Daventry UTC, visit the website.
To view Prime Minister’s Question Time, visit BBC iPlayer. Chris Heaton-Harris appears at 16 minutes approximately.