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Ruth finds her feet at UON thanks to friendly Clearing staff

Date 22.08.2022

A winning blend of commitment to study and the University of Northampton’s (UON) friendly Clearing staff proved a hit for student Ruth Bernardo.

After being denied a place at one university, Ruth joined UON to study Multimedia Journalism in 2019, and credits her positive experience of Clearing for helping to achieve her goals.

Ruth said: “I initially discovered UON through chats with my friends and watching YouTubers who attended the university and were very positive about their experience.

“In the lead up to results day, I relied on my strong faith and did my best to make sure I was as prepared as possible by refreshing my UCAS updates, attending interviews, and checking my emails.

“Unfortunately, my first choice of university let me down, so I researched the courses on offer at UON and found a four-year course in Multimedia Journalism which sounded perfect for me. I joined the university through Clearing and, as they say, the rest is history!”

Now in the final year of her course, Ruth is convinced she made the right decision and reflects on her positive experience at Clearing.

She said: “The staff were extremely helpful, reassuring and supported me throughout the process. They were very punctual and kept in close contact through emails, which I was really grateful for during such a stressful time.

“The advice I would give to others going through Clearing is to remain calm. Remember – there’s always a way, and the staff are here to help you find a solution and reach your goals. The whole process can be very stressful, but just stay patient and you’ll get there in the end!”

You can call the University of Northampton’s Clearing line on 01604 214 808 or see our webpage for more information.

The University is also hosting Clearing Instagram Q&As and Whatsapp chats. See this story for more.