Shortlist of Northampton’s top Changemakers revealed
Date 8.01.2020
8.01.2020The University of Northampton’s annual Changemaker Awards brings together students, graduates and staff members from across the University, as well as local businesses and the community, to celebrate the positive social impact we have on the community around us.
The Changemaker Hub is pleased to announce the shortlisted nominees for the 2020 Changemaker Awards, speaking about the release of the shortlist of nominees, Wray Irwin, Director of Enterprise and Employability, said: “I am really pleased and proud of the calibre and number of nominations we have received this year. It is indicative of how the Changemaker ethos is being embraced and embedded into all aspects of University, and Northampton life.”
This year’s shortlisted nominees are:
Community Changemaker of the Year: The individual, community organisation or initiative from outside of the University who has demonstrated a significant commitment to Changemaking, whether locally, nationally or internationally.
- Laura Graham, for her work creating communities as founder of the The Happy Hood community zine and her work with Age UK.
- Marvin Mudzonga, for his work with young people using creative arts as a tool through which young people can learn transferable skills, explore who they are and investigate the impact they want to have in the world.
- Moulton Allotments CIC, for the development of this community asset and its education activities, through the Edible Landscape Initiative, which teaches children (and parents) where food comes from.
Culture and Heritage Changemaker of the Year: The individual, team, organisation or initiative that has demonstrated a significant commitment to Changemaking, enriching communities through culture and heritage.
- NN Contemporary, for their work to enrich Northamptonshire through the arts, supporting artists and providing access to the arts for communities.
- Screen Northants, for the promotion and provision of media production as a developmental tool for young people.
- Towcester Museum, for providing an amenity and heritage asset that greatly enhances commercial and community activity within Towcester.
Education Changemaker of the Year: The individual, team, organisation or initiative that has demonstrated a significant commitment to Changemaking which enables children and young people to flourish and learn.
- Harshi Sehmar, for his work at the Village Education Centre in Bangkok, supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
- Hospital and Outreach Education Alternative Provision Academy, for providing educational support for children and young people in Northamptonshire who have a medical or mental health difficulty that prevents them from attending school full time.
- The Digital Learning Across Boundaries: Developing Changemakers Project Group, for their work aligning European educational practice with ways in which digital technology is changing how and what we learn, and how we apply this in education.
Enterprise Changemaker of the Year: The individual, team, organisation or initiative that has demonstrated a positive social impact through enterprise activity
- Deegesh Maywah, MSc Public Health Graduate, for the work of the Employ Ability program in Mauritius, providing a platform for disabled people to be financially independent and integrated in society.
- Digital Northampton, for promoting growth amongst the local digital economy and awareness amongst UoN students of the opportunities available in Northamptonshire.
- Friars Academy Enterprise Café, an initiative for students with learning difficulties to gain enterprise and life skills.
- Track NN Ltd, an enterprise aimed at providing employment opportunities and training for young people with autism.
- UoN Competence Test Centre Team, for pioneering the testing of internationally trained nurses and midwives who wish to prove that they are ready to work in the UK.
Health and Wellbeing Changemaker of the Year: The individual, team, organisation or initiative that has demonstrated a positive social impact to benefit health and wellbeing in communities.
- Our Lady’s Primary School Changemaker Team, for their outdoor gym project promoting positive outcomes for physical and mental health.
- UoN Mental Health First Aiders, for promoting and enabling both staff, students and the local community to feel empowered to take responsibility for their wellbeing and to support others.
- Well Being Thread, for providing nursing students with opportunities to enhance their social impact and develop collaborative relationships outside the Nursing world.
Research Changemaker of the Year: The University of Northampton Researcher who has demonstrated a significant commitment to Changemaking through their scholarly activities.
- Daniel Jones, Searchlight Collections Officer, for his research project British far right and anti-fascist media’s construction of identity: Searchlight and Spearhead, 1964 – 1982.
- Nicola Smithers, Senior Lecturer in Law, for her research project The lived experiences of parents involved in the decision to withhold or withdraw treatment from their critically ill baby.
- Sarah Jane Cross, Associate Lecturer in Paramedic Science, for her research project An investigation of endotracheal intubation and alternative intubation devices for use by paramedics in out-of-hospital care.
Staff Changemaker of the Year: The University of Northampton member of staff who has demonstrated a significant commitment to Changemaking, whether as part of their role or external to the University, locally, nationally or internationally.
- Brigette Gouda, Senior Lecturer in Dental Nursing, for her work with primary schools to encourage better dental health and awareness.
- Emma Kimberley and Amy West, Learning Development Tutors, for the Resource in a Box project, enabling Year 12 and 13 students to be supported in transition activities within schools.
- Kim Stuart, Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, for her research and work creating positive change for frail older people and their families.
- Paula Bowles and Manos Daskalou, Senior Lecturers in Criminology, for the establishment of a partnership delivery model with HMP Onley.
Student Changemaker of the Year: The University of Northampton student who has demonstrated a significant commitment to Changemaking, whether locally, nationally or internationally.
- Chetak Nangare, Higher Degree by Research, for his contribution and dedication towards improving wellbeing through meditation.
- Hilary Amesika Gbedemah, Higher Degree by Research, for her work on discriminatory practices against girls in education, nationally and internationally.
- Hulda Adao, BA International Tourism Management and Event Management Graduate, for the creation of EyeSpeak and her belief that young people deserve a platform to make their own change.
- Joel Caborn, BA Media Production and Moving Image, for his short film highlighting the dangers of online grooming.
- Marco Pastori, MSc Advanced Professional Practice (Occupational Therapy), for the development of Ready2Play, an inclusive football club for children in Italy
The winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony on Thursday 6th February.