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The University of Northampton is one in 100

Date 12.11.2015

Northamptonshire 100 is made up of like minded individuals and businesses from across the county who pool funds and expertise to support local people who are most in need – the young and elderly, disabled and isolated, families living in poverty and projects which support people when they are at their most vulnerable.

As part of the partnership with NCF, staff and students will be invited to fundraise towards a new ‘The University of Northampton Staff and Student Community Fund’. The Fund, which will be administered by the Foundation, will provide support – through grants – to some of Northamptonshire’s most needy projects and causes.

Jessica Pilkington, Fund Development Manager at the Foundation, said:

We are delighted to welcome The University of Northampton on board as our most recent Northamptonshire 100 member and to launch the Staff and Student Community Fund. The University is in good company and is joining forces with a host of local people and organisations who are equally committed to making a positive difference to our local community and local lives. This is Corporate Social Responsibility in action and is a strategic and clever way of making maximum impact and collectively helping local causes.

Jessica Pilkington

Professor Nick Petford, Vice Chancellor, The University of Northampton, added:

The University has signed up at the higher Gold level of membership to tackle some of the most pressing needs in Northamptonshire. I am pleased to announce the launch of The University of Northampton Staff and Student Community Fund which we have committed to support as our charity of the year for three years.

Professor Nick Petford, Vice Chancellor

In 2012 Northamptonshire 100 members were asked to vote on the area of need they wanted to tackle for the 12 months ahead. Members voted for the ‘Young People and Employment’ theme and will meet twice this year to award grants to groups tackling this area of need.

Find out more at http://www.ncf.uk.com/
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