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The University’s School of Health showcases its innovative work to Health Education England

Date 13.11.2015

The University of Northampton’s School of Health was invited to showcase its innovative work as part of a regional visit from the Chair and Chief Executive of Health Education England.

Sir Keith Pearson and Professor Ian Cummings were invited to have a look at the fantastic work taking place across the region by the East Midlands Local Education Training Board and meet the people behind it.

Moira Ingham, Dean of the School of Health, presented a Multi-agency Falls Project, which demonstrates innovative practice in the design and delivery of integrated care services. Dr Michelle Pyer also gave an outline of the project evaluation by the University’s Institute of Health and Wellbeing.

Feedback from Sir Pearson and Professor Cummings was very positive and they were particularly impressed with the maturity of the strategic partnerships that have been developed.

Moira commented: “It was excellent for the School of Health to be asked to showcase this innovative project which, through the work of the county-wide Crisis Response Team, has had such positive outcomes for elderly people in Northamptonshire.

“The School’s ‘Falls Positive’ train the trainer programme is already being picked up regionally and we received affirmation from Heath Education England that the Northamptonshire model, where the work of the University acted as a catalyst for change in services, should be replicated nationally.  The project has already received several national awards and I would like to specifically recognise the work of Ashley Knights, Senior Lecturer in Paramedic Science and Dr Michelle Pyer, Senior Researcher in Health and Wellbeing, in making this such a success.