UON academic has two research papers published in leading journals
Date 16.11.2015
Dr Hala Mansour, Programme leader of MSc Management distance learning and Lecturer in Human Resource Management/Organisational Behaviour at Northampton Business School, has had two research papers published this month.
One of these articles is: ‘Exploring the Role of HR Practitioners in Pursuit of Organisational Effectiveness in Higher Education Institutions‘, published in the Journal of Change Management. This paper explored the perspectives of the human resource management practitioners toward changes in UK Higher education sector with respect to the main challenges in the Human Resource Management (HRM) reform.
The second paper, published in The International Journal of Educational Management, is entitled: ‘Enhancing first year management students’ engagement: An action research project to explore the use of the Essay Feedback Checklist‘. This paper provided findings to enhance first year students engagement with the feedback provided on their work.
Dr Hala recently represented the University of Northampton at the 9th International Conference of Critical Management Studies, held at the University of Leicester from 8-9 July 2015. Dr Hala’s research paper was titled: ‘Human Resource practitioners as change agents: Neoliberalism and the shift in power in the UK Higher Education’.
Dr Hala commented: “I am really pleased to contribute to strengthen the research profile for Northampton Business School and for the University of Northampton. I have two published papers and I am very keen to publish more articles in other prestigious journals, and to represent the university at International conferences. Last June I organised the Organisational Studies Network seminar, held at Northampton Business School, which gave me the opportunity to collaborate with scholars from different Universities, in support of our research activities.”
Mansour, H.F. Heath, G. and Brannan, M.J. (2015), ‘Exploring the Role of HR Practitioners in Pursuit of Organisational Effectiveness in Higher Education Institutions‘, Journal of Change Management, 2015, DOI:10.1080/14697017.2015.1045539).
Mansour, H.F. (2015), ‘Enhancing first year management students’ engagement: An action research project to explore the use of the Essay Feedback Checklist (EFC)‘, 13:3, 218-226.