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UN to welcome engineering and technology experts for conferences

Date 12.11.2015

The School of Science and Technology at the University of Northampton will be welcoming international industry experts, academics and postgraduate students next week for two leading conferences: the 5th Symposium on Lift and Escalator Technologies​, and the 5th Symposium on Mechanics of Slender Structures.

These annual / biannual symposia provide an opportunity for practitioners and scientists from industry and academia worldwide to network and present their latest research and innovation developments. Past symposia have forged new partnerships between academic and industry experts across a variety of disciplines.

The Mechanics of Slender Structures Symposium (MoSS) will cover the latest research developments in the area of mechanics of terrestrial, marine and space systems. Speakers will present on research topics including dynamic stability, acoustic emission, stress and fatigue and vibration.

This year’s Symposium on Lift and Escalator Technologies conference will cover a broad range of subjects, such as the structural integrity,  history and future developments in standards and safety of building passenger transportation systems.

Professor Stefan Kaczmarczyk, Professor of Applied Mechanics and Chair of the Postgraduate Field of Lift Engineering, Department of Engineering and Technology at the University of Northampton, explained: “We are delighted to host these events. The Lift Symposium is organised in conjunction with the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Lifts Group. This conference has grown to become an important discussion forum which this year will bring together over 130 industrial and academic experts from within the field of vertical transportation engineering.

“The MoSS conference is organized in collaboration with the Applied Mechanics Group of the Institute of Physics (IoP) and is supported by CIBSE, the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT) as well as by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound (TCVS).”

Professor Kaczmarczyk continued: “In view of the present world-wide interest in the development of safe, efficient and cost effective high-performance engineering systems that employ vertical transportation and slender structures (such as modern high-rise buildings and towers) the proceedings of both events will contribute to the understanding of structural of behaviour these systems as well as will present an opportunity for the delegates to discuss the current trends and direction for future research in these important areas of engineering and technology, with peer-reviewed papers on the subject of research published and disseminated worldwide.”

The Symposium on Mechanics of Slender Structures will be held between 21-22 September at Highgate House. The Symposium on Lift and Escalator Technologies conference will be on 23-24 at the same venue. For further information regarding the University’s research into Lift Technology, visit the research group’s webpage.