University is represented at the Ashoka U Social Entrepreneurship Conference at Brown University
Date 16.11.2015
Representatives from the University of Northampton visited Brown University to attend the Transforming Higher Education from Local to Global: Social Entrepreneurship Conference, which took place from 20 to 22 February 2014.
The conference was organised by theAshoka U Exchange, with staff, academics and students from 150 colleges and universities, representing over 30 countries. Delegates shared their vision for how Higher Education institutions can support the creation of innovative solutions to pressing social problems on both a local and global stage.
Vice-Chancellor Nick Petford explained: “The Ashoka U Exchange provided an opportunity for me to exchange ideas and challenge perspectives with institutional senior managers, academic staff and students from around the globe committed to social innovation and social entrepreneurship. My participation in the closing keynote demonstrates how the University is seen as a world-leading institution in the area of social innovation.”
Deborah Mattock, Director of Human Resources, Marketing and International Relations, continued: “The conference was an amazing experience, it was great to be surrounded by so much positive energy and to network with enthusiastic individuals who really want to make a difference. So many Changemaker activities are a natural extension of what we already started under our banner ‘Transforming Lives, Inspiring Change’ and the fit with our established values is perfect. It made me realise that being involved with a university; whether as a student or a member of staff, is more than just an academic experience. All of us have the potential and the opportunity to make a positive change whether that is to our own lives or on a bigger scale.”
As Vice-Chancellor of the first UK Changemaker Campus, Nick Petford delivered the closing keynote speech of the Presidential Panel. He shared how the University of Northampton has become a global leader in social enterprise and is fully embracing Changemaker values.
To follow the full conversation on Twitter follow #Exchange2014