University of Northampton podiatry alumni meet-up in Hong Kong
Date 14.03.2016
The University of Northampton has been training podiatrists for 30 years, and we have an excellent podiatry alumni network. Our graduates are now working across the globe – Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Cyprus, Greece, Spain and more recently USA – for various healthcare providers , health authorities and also in private practice.
Travelling back from visiting family in Australia, Senior Lecturer Steve Avil stopped off briefly in Hong Kong and made the most of the opportunity to catch up with University of Northampton podiatry graduates.
The city of Hong Kong (population of just under 7.2million*) has an estimated 70 podiatrists, of which 25 have been trained and educated at the University of Northampton. In spite of their tight schedules, 16 alumni caught up with Steve in Kowloon and spent an enjoyable evening discussing postgraduate study and clinical caseload in acute hospitals while reminiscing about student life. Steve updated the graduates on the latest developments at the podiatry clinic, which include an exciting new extension to provide a versatile skills teaching space for the supporting the teaching and manufacture of bespoke orthoses.
For more information about podiatry, visit the podiatry course webpage.
*World Bank, 2014.