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University to welcome Professor Cesarani OBE for lecture to mark Holocaust Memorial Day

Date 16.11.2015

Holocaust Memorial Day on 27 January 2015 will mark the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Ahead of the day, the University of Northampton will be holding a public lecture and series of seminars, on 21 January at Park Campus.

Professor David Cesarani OBE, trustee of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and Royal Holloway Research Professor in history will be visiting Park Campus to give a talk on the Second World War and the fate of the Jews.  Professor Cesarani is the author of Eichmann: His Life and Crimes (2004) and Justice Delayed: How Britain Became a Refuge for War Criminals (1992). He is a Trustee of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and has contributed to BBC and Channel 4 documentaries on the Holocaust. The lecture will take place on 21 January at 1pm, in the Holdenby Lecture Theatre.

Professor Cesarani’s lecture will be introduced by Vice Chancellor Nick Petford and Northampton Borough Councillor, Anna King. It will be followed by talks and activities, including a presentation from the Searchlight Archive (Dan Jones), student contributions and a talk on the representation of the Rwandan genocide in graphic novels (Dr Sam Knowles). Before the lecture at 12:45pm, the University of Northampton Multi-Faith Chaplaincy team​ will perform a commemorative stone laying ceremony.

Dr Paul Jackson, senior lecturer in Modern History at University of Northampton, said: “Every year the University marks Holocaust Memorial Day as a way to bring together staff, students and the wider public, to reflect on the past and also think about human rights abuses around the world today too.”

On Saturday 24 January, the University’s Dr Larissa Allwork will also introduce a film showing of Claude Lanzmann’s, ‘The Last of the Unjust’ at Northampton’s Errol Flynn Filmhouse.

For information about the University events or to book a place at Professor Cesarani’s lecture, please email Larissa.Allwork@northampton.ac.uk