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How to apply for Health CPD study

Continuing professional development by studying a Health CPD programme at the University of Northampton is a great way enable you to learn new skills, progress into specialisms or take on new responsibilities.

You can further advance your skills by studying a Master’s course, single module or by attending a short study skills session. There are various Health CPD courses you can apply for, depending on what and how you would like to study.

More detailed information about the specific CPD programmes which are available for study can be found on our Continuing Professional Development page.

Health CPD Application Process

This guidance is informed by the Admission Policy, Admissions Guidance, Special Admissions Policy and Special Admissions.

If you would like to check the status of your application at any point, please visit our application portal.

Check my application

If you are studying Advanced Clinical Practice PGCert/PGDig/MSc, the NURM080 standalone module, Non-Medical Prescribing (NISP), or Return to Practice (RTP), there are further documents you need to send to admissions. You can find information and the documents to download on the PG and CPD additional documents and interview information page.

Additional documents information

We recommend that all applicants submit their applications as soon as possible and ideally at least a month prior to joining their chosen programme to avoid disappointment in starting your course. Please note that some popular courses may fill up earlier than this so we cannot guarantee you will be able to start on any given intake.

After you have applied, you can use the Applicant Portal to review the status of your application, update your contact information, complete and review Admissions tasks sent to you by the Admissions office, and accept offers and interview invites, if applicable.

If you would like more information about applying for a Health CPD course at the University of Northampton or for more information on Health CPD study, please email the enquiries team: study@northampton.ac.uk. Alternatively, you can phone or phone them on 0300 303 2772.

Further information about studying a health CPD programme

Find out more about our Continuing Professional Development page. Please visit the funding page for more details on how to fund your study.

If you are studying a full programme, you may be asked to complete a module choice form.

You will need to complete this to receive a timetable. Whilst we are unable to provide you with a specific course timetable at application stage, you may find it useful looking at previous and course specific timetables for your chosen programme to give you an idea about your programme.

If you would like to discuss your options to study CPD or postgraduate programmes with our post-registration healthcare academics, please book onto a Virtual Clinic.

How to apply for the Health APEL/APCL module (HEA006)

At the University of Northampton some of our Health CPD programmes require some students to gain APEL/APCL credit prior to joining their chosen programme at the University of Northampton.  This module is designed for applicants who wish to apply for a health-related course but do not meet the standard entry criteria of our full programmes.

The module will support students in the completion of a claim for Accreditation of Prior and Experiential Learning (APEL/APCL).  The Module will enable you to identify appropriate evidence of learning to be mapped against the UON unit/module learning outcomes and articulate individual learning through commentaries or other appropriate media.  Presentation of the claim for accreditation will be through the completion of an APL/APEL Portfolio of Evidence.

If you would like to complete the Health APEL/APCL module (HEA006) module or you have been asked to complete this programme after a discussion with one of our Admissions tutors.  You will then need to complete the following steps:

We would recommend that the above steps take place 6 months prior to your preferred intake for your main programme.

Once your completed interest form has been received by the Admissions office and your details verified with your chosen academic, we will then contact you with regards to making an application.  If you have any further questions regarding joining the Health APEL/APCL module (HEA006) module, then please email healthcpd@northampton.ac.uk.

The University’s Academic Regulations and Admissions Policies are all available on the University policies, procedures and regulations page.

For all enquiries please contact:

If you have already applied to the University, you can check for updates on your application via the Applicant Portal. Here you will be able to review the status of your application, update your contact Information, complete and review Admissions tasks sent to you by the Admissions office, and accept offers and Interview invites, if applicable.

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