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Faculty of Arts, Science and Technology (FAST) Research

Overview of Arts, Science and Technology research

In the Faculty of Arts, Science and Technology (FAST) research and enterprise activities are essential in underpinning research excellence, innovation and social impact as well as the delivery of contemporary and evidence-based teaching and learning. This supports us to achieve our vision of advancing excellence in Arts, Culture, Science and Technology locally, nationally and internationally.

Areas of research within FAST

The Faculty encompasses diverse subject areas with many areas of common societal interest including the United Nation sustainability development goals (SDGs). We recognise the opportunities that we have, to work across interdisciplinary boundaries. We bridge diverse disciplines and subject areas which allows us to make the most of our knowledge and skills, whilst also continuing to recognise and develop subject-specific research and enterprise with the overall aim of further developing an inclusive, interdisciplinary research community in which research is important and innovation is at the heart of what we do.

Dive into the University research repository of the Faculty of Arts, Science and Technology to find out more about the researchers, outputs and projects.

Faculty of Arts, Science and Technology research repository

FAST research centres

The Faculty has the following established research centres. All Centres have consistent terms of reference, with clearer expectations in terms of evidencing performance, cross-Faculty outreach, continuing development/review and liaison with course/subject teams. Centres also provide opportunities for engagement for all Faculty colleagues and research students as appropriate.

FAST Partnerships

Faculty colleagues work closely with learners, practitioners, service providers/users, external organisations, policy-makers and professional/regulatory bodies from local organisations such as EES and Classic Cuisine to national organisations such as Lift technology with the Lift and Escalator Industry Association (LEIA) and international collaborations through the Spatial Practices in Art and ArChitecture for Empathetic Exchange, SPACEX project. Locally we work with Delapre Abbey, Northampton Museum and Art Gallery (which is home to the National Collection of Footwear) and Northamptonshire Sport. Nationally the Faculty through its KTP’s has partnerships with Lightpoint Medical Ltd, Scottish Leather Group and Xeros; bringing in our expertise in tanning, design and engineering to support companies to develop new products. See each Research Centre’s website for detailed information about specific partnerships.