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Knowledge Exchange

Knowledge Exchange

Knowledge exchange (KE) while often perceived as an integral part of a university’s research endeavours is far more reaching as KE compasses a wide range of activities aimed at disseminating higher education knowledge and skills to those beyond the academic sphere.

Knowledge exchange define KE as:

“…a collaborative, creative endeavour that translates knowledge and research into impact in society and the economy. KE includes a set of activities, processes and skills that enable close collaboration between universities and partner organisations to deliver commercial, environmental, cultural and place-based benefits, opportunities for students and increased prosperity.” –  Knowledge Exchange Concordat 2023.

Essentially universities act as knowledge exchange hubs that are beneficial to, and impact upon the economy and society.


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Public and Community Engagement

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Local Growth and Regeneration

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Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF)

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Student Futures

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Contact Knowledge Exchange Support

    • Head of Head of Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise
      Helen Miller
      01604 893982
    • Regional Business Engagement Manager
      Samantha McKay
      01604 893872
    • Regional Business Engagement Manager
      Adam Lawton
      01604 893560
    • Public and Community Engagement Officer
      Pauline Bain
      01604 892193
    • Commercialisation and Intellectual Property Manager
      Matt Hicks
      01604 892626
    • Knowledge Exchange & Enterprise Administrator
      Sophie Richardson
    • Heritage Projects and Partnerships Officer
      Suzanne Oliver
    • Multiply Project Lead
      Amy Harvison

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