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Research Profile

  • The Zimbabwean student: examining the experiences of migrant students in English secondary schools.

    The proposed study seeks to explore and examine the experiences of Zimbabwean migrant students in English secondary schools and their local communities. In particular, it will account for their journey of adaption within English society. Taken together, the purpose of the study is to examine the experiences of the first generation Zimbabwean migrant students (11-16) in English secondary schools and community. The research seeks to understand the experiences of this group of people in both school and society in order to contribute to knowledge that accounts for engagement within diverse student populations across the UK.

  • Emel Thomas

    Senior Lecturer in Education (CYF)

  • Trained as a teacher in Zimbabwe, then worked in a local authority as a human resources officer for five years. Migrated to the UK in 2008. Achieved Master’s Degree in 2013 in Education at The University of Derby. In 2014, enrolled with The University of Northampton for a research study.