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Research Profile

  • Exploring the impact of Entrepreneurship Education Programmes on Graduates’ Entrepreneurial Intentions

    The study is on entrepreneurship education programme in Nigeria. It seeks to determine entrepreneurial intentions among university graduates as a consequence of their participation of the graduates in entrepreneurship education in their undergraduate programmes. The entrepreneurship programme is compulsory for all university students and has been included in the curriculum of universities to foster entrepreneurial intentions among graduates as a way to reduce the endemic graduate unemployment in the country. The theoretical framework for the study is an extended version of Ajzen’s (1991) theory of planned behaviour (TPB).

  • Sandy MacDonald

    Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Mgmt (Research)

  • BAM Doctoral symposium, 2015

  • Principal lecturer at the FCT College of Education, Abuja, Nigeria. Kemi teaches entrepreneurship and other business subjects. Kemi is the pioneer Director of Entrepreneurship Services and previously Acting Coordinator of Consultancy Services and Continuing Education in the college. She holds a Master’s degree in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom.

    Kemi’s research interests are entrepreneurship and small businesses. She has published journal articles and presented papers at national and international conferences, including Institute of Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship, 2012 conference; Conference on business and entrepreneurship in Africa, in Quebec, Canada – 2012.