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Centre for Health Sciences and Services (CHSS)

The Centre for Health Sciences and Services (CHSS) brings together academic researchers and health professionals in nursing and allied health sciences and services both within the University of Northampton and externally.

About the Centre for Health Sciences and Services (CHSS)

Established in 2017, CHSS builds upon established local, national and international partnerships CHSS to deliver interdisciplinary, collaborative, high quality health research and enterprise projects to advance knowledge designed to improve the health of the population. Central to our work is the focus on working with patients and the public to ensure research is relevant for those whose health we aim to improve.

As a collective, CHSS members continue to provide a home for the development of research and enterprise knowledge and skills in students, staff, and health service users from undergraduates to postdoctoral researchers, early career and independent researchers.

The Centre has over 30 members who are aligned with:

  • Nursing and Allied Health Professionals (internal and external)
  • Researchers in health and wellbeing
  • Public and Patient representatives
  • Health organisation representatives (e.g. Healthwatch)
  • Visiting Professors
  • Faculty of Health Education & Society
  • Faculty of Business & Law
  • Faculty of Art Science & Technology


  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Participatory research across the life-course (aligning with FHES strategic partnerships with the Northamptonshire Public Health Management Innovation Group)
  • Learning and teaching in health and social care (aligning with major strategic projects in FHES linked to delivery of the CTC and simulation/VR in learning and teaching)

View the Centre on PURE

  • Centre for Health Sciences and Services (CHSS) Leadership

    • Dr Tracey Redwood – Leader
    • Sarah Wickes – Co-theme Leads
    • Claire Poole – Co-theme leads

    View our other University Membership on Pure.

  • VUK Evidence Base

    The aim of the project was to identify and test appropriate validated measures to be used with people with dementia attending lifelong learning at VUK school in Denmark. Through this project we identified the important factors to measure through consultation with both teachers and students with dementia at VUK. Student feedback ensured that the measures taken were not too complex for them to complete and that they were suitable for their needs.

    Evaluating a Diabetes Training and Education Programme

    This project aims to understand whether patients who present with diabetes have attended a training course are able to improve or maintain their health through pre and post measurements of biomedical data. Once they have attended this training course, we examine whether it has led to an increased confidence in managing their condition. We will then explore how patients are engaging with these sessions and look to see whether there have been any changes in behaviour from attending the training.

    Picture the Difference 

    This project has developed an understanding of the impact of engagement with the ‘Picture the Difference’ day-centre for young people with additional needs, with particular emphasis on:

    • Wellbeing, self-concept and quality of life
    • Feelings of isolation, socialization and community engagement
    • Employability and skills

    Find out more about our Centre’s projects on PURE.

  • Campbell, J and Leandri, M. Measuring latency variations in evoked potential components using a simple autocorrelation technique, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2021,

    Petford, N. and Campbell, J., Covid-19 Mortality Rates in Northamptonshire UK: Initial Sub-regional Comparisons and Provisional SEIR model of First Wave Disease Spread, (Letter), Open Public Health Journal, March 2021

    Ryan, D., Elliott-King, J., & Ward, A. (2021). Influence of COVID-19 Building Restrictions on Physical Activity Promotion Through Increased Stair Use and Limited Elevator Access: A Quasi-Experimental Study—Sport and Physical Activity Group Active Campus Project. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Advance online publication.

    Ward, A., Sixsmith, J., Spiro, S., Graham, A., Ballard, H., Varvel, S., Youell, J. (2021) Exploring family carer and staff perceptions of end of life care provision: The case of a 24/7 hospice-at-home service in supporting wishes to remain at home. The British Journal of Community Nursing, 26(1),30-36.

    Spiro, A., Ward, A., Sixsmith, J., Graham, A., Varvel, S. (2020) The cost of visit-based home care for up to two weeks in the last three months of life: A pilot study of community care based at a hospice-at-home service in South East of England. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 37:4, 203-213, DOI: 10.1080/07370016.2020.1809856.

    Horton, J., Pyer, M. and Tucker, F. (2020) Children and young people. Research Ethics for Human Geography. Wilson, H. & Darling, J. (eds) Sage Publications Ltd.

    View more of our Centre’s Publications on PURE.