Art and Design Research Centre (ADRC)

The Art and Design Research Centre (ADRC) brings together scholars and practitioners working across theory, practice, enterprise and pedagogy in the expanded context of art and design. Based in the Faculty of Arts, Science and Technology, our members Our members are working with a wide range of partner organizations in the cultural sector including galleries, archives and museums, with industry, and with third sector organizations.

About the Art and Design Research Centre

The ADRC is strongly focused on practice-led approaches to art and design, on building international networks for research and enterprise, on creating impactful research and collaborative activity with a range of partners, in industry, the third sector, civil society groups and governmental agencies.

Our members’ specialisms include product design, photography, graphic design, illustration, architectural design, interior design, fashion, drawing, sculpture, painting, print, social practice, historical studies, visual culture, gender studies, performance, drama, music and sound.

In addition to our links with UKRI research/ enterprise priorities, such as Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Sustainable Design, Health & Wellbeing, Education, Urban Regeneration. Members work in interdisciplinary projects and consortia in FAST and in other faculties, for example with colleagues in science, in health and in education. We have research projects with colleagues at other UK HEI’s and as part of European wide consortia.


The Art and Design Research Centre currently has four areas of research focus:

  • Design Matters (DM) exploring innovative approaches for the use of new technologies and sustainable materials for user-centred systems and products.
  • Drawing Practice as Research (DPR) expand the use of drawing as a tool for communication, researchers in this theme also innovate through traditional and digital technologies, processes and media.
  • Images & Archive (IA) considers the significance of images for society countering conventional forms of representation with new models of communication. Research is produced via digital imaging and working with archives.
  • Social Practice (SP) researchers address contemporary social issues through art and design methods. Research is usually produced in community and urban contexts with partners and stakeholders.
  • The Art and Design Research Centre leadership

  • Spatial Practices in Art and ArChitecture for Empathetic EXchange (SPACEX)

    SPACEX is a transdisciplinary research action that utilises secondments between academic institutions and third sector organisations in order to scope and map European spatial practices.

    The project provides a body of findings that can be easily accessed by commissioning agencies, policy makers and publics through its open source web-site (

  • Stefan Gant

    Artefact – Drawing: Phygital Remapping, Selected for Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing prize. September 2023.

    Professor Andrew Hewitt

    Journal article: “Depoliticization, participation and social art practice: On the function of social art practice for politicization.” Jordan, M. & Hewitt, A., 7 Feb 2023, In: Art & the Public Sphere. 11, 1, pp. 19-36.

    Dr Sarah Mullan

    Chapter in a book: “Queer Theatre: Reclaiming histories, historicising, and hope.” 28 Oct 2022, The Cambridge Companion to British Theatre Since 1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Dr Jose Neves

    Journal article: “On Borrowed Time: Early-AIDS and the Photobook.”

    Neves, J., 1 Oct 2022, PhotoResearcher, 38, pp. 104-125.

    Dr Friedemann Schaber

    Conference Poster: A roadmap of cross-faculty innovation and collaboration. Schaber, F., Fakoussa, R., Wright, M., Farrugia, H., Redfern, C. & Vyas, H., UON 2023.

    Professor Craig Staff

    Essay: “Eleanore Mikus, Neo-Expressionism and the Things Themselves,” in exhibition catalogue Eleanore Mikus: Moving the Line published to accompany the exhibition Eleanore Mikus: Moving the Line at Anders Wahlstedt Fine Art September 14 – October 26, 2023, unpaginated.

    Zoe Taylor

    Design: Measure King for Plaine published by Lagon (based in France, distributed internationally at artist book and comic fairs plus various bookshops), launched December 2022.