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Internal processes

Internal approval process

The University needs to ensure that high-quality bids are submitted resulting in strategically sound and sustainable project activity. Our online internal bidding process ensures those responsible for approving bids can see the application you are proposing and the type of funding you are applying for.

All bids must go on Pure Award Management for approval prior to submitting to the funder. You complete an online application and provide a copy of the proposal/funder application and costing matrix. Once this is done, you can submit your application for approval on the system. The system will automatically enter it into the approval workflow.

In some cases, if the University will be required to make a financial contribution to your project (e.g. if the funder’s regulations means they will not fund elements like travel or new equipment or staff), you will need to complete a justification. This should cover the benefits of your project and the value it will bring to the University.

Your application will go firstly to your faculty accountant to check your costings and approve the project budget. If it requires a justification, they will return your application to you. The next approval stage is the Dean of Research then your Faculty Dean and where justification is needed, additional workflow approval will be required by the Director of Finance.

To help you with understanding this approval workflow, we have put together this handy flowchart.

To get started in Pure Award Management go to PURE click on and select the Award Management tab.

You can download our  Pre Award User Guide [staff login required].

These step by step instructions will guide you on how to add an application and how to submit your application for approval.

Approval user guides for faculty accountants and Deans/Deputy Deans Only

Peer Review Research Funding Process

In line with the University’s commitment to developing research and the submission of high-quality funding applications, our new Peer Review process for research funding applications goes live in April.

All external funding applications of a value of £20,000 and above are now subject to internal peer review, as follows.

  • All applications of a value of £20,000 to £100,000 will be reviewed by one panel member.
  • All applications of a value above £100,000 will be reviewed by two panel members.

For bids between £20k and £100k, you must initiate the review of your application/proposal at least one month prior to the funder’s submission deadline.

For bids over £100k you must initiate the review of your application/proposal at least six weeks prior to the submission deadline.

This process is voluntary for contract research, consultancy, KTPs, tenders and collaborate bids where they are being reviewed by a partner institution.

For guidance on how to Initiate a Review, follow the instructions in our updated Pure Award Management Pre Award User Guide.

You can view the Peer Review Policy for Research Funding Application.

Guidance for Peer Reviewers

  • All applications of a value of £20,000 to £100,000 will be reviewed by one panel member. The review must be undertaken and returned to the Peer Review Panel Chair (Chair) within 5 working days from agreement to undertake review.
  • All applications of a value above £100,000 will be reviewed by two panel members. The review must be undertaken and returned to the Chair within 10 working days from agreement to undertake the review.

Full guidance notes for Peer Reviewers can be found in our shared drive.

All fields must be completed in the Peer Review Form  All completed forms are to be returned to the Peer Review Panel Chair (Professor Anthony Kay).

OurDirectory of Expertise  contains a list of the Reviewers and their specialist subject areas/expertise. If you would like to be added to this list, please contact us.