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Research and Knowledge Exchange Governance

Research and knowledge exchange governance strive for operational excellence in terms of research support and our systems processes of which governance is a critical aspect. Providing a governance framework for Research and Knowledge Exchange that will aid the exploitation and synergies between research, knowledge exchange and enterprise.

Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee

The committee ensures integration of research through the Faculty Research Committees. It oversees the University Research Plan, researcher development and all research policies and procedures. Receives minutes from the Knowledge Exchange Committee, Research Degrees Committee, Research Ethics Committee, Readers, Associate Professors and Professors (RAPP) meeting and the Faculty Research and Enterprise Committees.

The Terms of Reference and membership for the Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee was approved by Senate on 6 December 2023.

Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee formal sub-structure committees and groups.

    • Knowledge Exchange Committee: Knowledge Exchange is a sub committee that reports into the Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee with a focus on knowledge exchange and enterprise activity.
    • Research Impact Committee: Research Impact Committee is a sub committee that reports into the Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee that will oversee and monitor the development of impact and impact case studies for the University within the context of the University’s Strategic Plan.
    • Faculty-based Research and Knowledge Exchange Committees: Oversees Faculty research and KE plans and researcher development. Reports to REC.
    • Research Ethics Committee: Approves research projects including research degrees. Reports to REC. Reviews University ethics procedures and advises on ethical issues. There are two PGR student representatives.
    • Faculty Ethics Committees: Considers and approves staff research projects, Masters, and undergraduate research projects. Reports to FREC and to the Research Ethics Committee.
    • Research Degrees Committee (RDC): Oversees quality enhancement and the student experience, Recommends examiners and degree awards to Senate. Approves student registrations, transfers, supervisory teams, suspensions of study, writing up registration and extensions. Receives minutes from Research Degrees Board. There are two PGR student representatives.
    • Research Degrees Boards (RDB): There are three of these – Science, Business and Education and Arts and Humanities. The Board Discuss’ matters relating to quality enhancement and the student experience at a subject/discipline level. Recommends examiners, student registrations, transfers, changes to supervisory teams, writing up registration and extensions to RDC. Monitors individual students’ progress and completion. Each RDB has two student representatives.
    • Research Student Committee: All research students are members. Termly meetings are organised by the research students. The Chair represents students at RDC.
    • Supervisors Forum: All research degree supervisors are members. Termly meetings are organised. The forum is represented at RDC.
    • Readers, Associate Professors and Professors (RAPP) Group: A forum where Readers, Associate Professors and Professors share ideas and discuss matters to their subject/discipline area.
  • University Senate

    The highest academic committee for research. Senate approves examiner nominations, Visiting Professors and Fellows, Emeritus Professors, and awards research degrees. The SU president is the student representative.

    Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee (RAKE)

    Oversees the University Research Plan, researcher development and all research policies and procedures. Receives minutes from the Knowledge Exchange Sub-committee, Research Degrees Committee, Research Ethics Committee, Readers, Associate Professors and Professors (RAPP) meeting and the Faculty Research and Enterprise Committees. There are two PGR student representatives.

    Research Degrees Committee (RDC)

    Oversees quality enhancement and the student experience, Recommends examiners and degree awards to Senate. Approves student registrations, transfers, supervisory teams, suspensions of study, writing up registration and extensions. Receives minutes from Research Degrees Board. There are two PGR student representatives.

    Under RDC are a board, committee and forum:

    • Research Degrees Boards (RDB): There are 3 of these – Science, Business and Education and Arts and Humanities. Discuss matters relating to quality enhancement and the student experience at a subject/discipline level. Recommends examiners, student registrations, transfers, changes to supervisory teams, writing up registration and extensions to RDC. Monitors individual students’ progress and completion. Each RDB has two student representatives.
    • Research Student Committee: All research students are members. Termly meetings are organised by the research students. The Chair represents students at RDC.
    • Supervisors Forum: All research degree supervisors are members. Termly meetings are organised. The forum is represented at RDC.
    Research Ethics Committee

    Approves research projects including research degrees. Reports to RAKE. Reviews University ethics procedures and advises on ethical issues. There are two PGR student representatives.

    Knowledge Exchange Sub-committee

    Oversees the use and allocation of innovation funding (e.g. HEIF) along with being responsible for the management of the HEIF accountability statement, HEBCI return.

    Faculty Research and Enterprise Committee (FREC)

    Oversees Faculty research and enterprise plans and researcher development. Reports to RAKE. There is one PGR student representative.

    Under FREC is one committee:

    • Faculty Ethics Committees: Considers and approves staff research projects, Masters, and undergraduate research projects. Reports to FREC and to the Research Ethics Committee.