Distance Learning Students
We are delighted that you will soon be studying as a Distance Learning student with the University of Northampton. We want to make your transition and enrolment as smooth as possible. Please read our new students webpages as these provide a lot of useful information for you as a student (e.g. timetables, student support, IT information).
How do I enrol as a Distance Learning Student?
As a distance learning student, we will manage your enrolment online prior to commencing your programme. We will send you an email (around 2 weeks before the programme commences) inviting you to pre-enrol which will detail the online enrolment process and what you need to do (e.g. uploading ID documents). Once you have received your online enrolment invite you can login below:
Online enrolmentIf you have any problems during the online enrolment process then please read our online enrolment guide or contact the Student Information Desk: SID@northampton.ac.uk
How Distance Learning works
Our Distance Learning programmes are flexible and designed so that you can balance study with other commitments such as work and home. The course structure and learning material enable you to study at your own convenience and develop your own study schedule whilst also offering opportunities for you to engage with your peers.