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Sport and Exercise Psychology BSc Welcome Pack

Welcome to Sport and Exercise Psychology BSc 2024.

I am delighted to welcome you to our exciting undergraduate sports programme, the BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Psychology. This course focuses on the factors affecting sport, exercise, and physical activity psychology, covering a fascinating range of historical and contemporary topics within the fields. The course has an excellent variety of modules, and you will have opportunities to put many of the theories, approaches, techniques, and methods that you learn about into practise. This programme has been accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS).

You will cover six modules in your first year of study (listed below), three in the first semester and three in the second. Your assessments will enable you to show us how you can apply your learning to the real-world situations a sport and exercise psychologist might encounter.

All of the modules below have been created with a strong emphasis on active blended learning (ABL), the point of which is to encourage you to engage in and take ownership of your learning, and we are committed to supporting your success for the future.

Your first semester (September 2024-January 2025) will involve the following modules:

  • SPO1039 – How to be successful (Module Leader – Dr Rob Lyon)
  • PSY1003 – Introduction to Psychology (Module Leader – Dr Matthew Hopkins)
  • SPO1024 – Introduction to Sport and Exercise Psychology (Module Leader – Dr Rob Lyon)

Your second semester (February 2025-May 2025) will involve the following modules:

  • SPO1051 – Doing Sport and Exercise Psychology in a Digital Age (Module Leader – Dr Mairi Mulvenna)
  • SPO1057 – Introduction to Motor Learning and Skill Acquisition (Module Leader – Lee Waters)
  • PSY1006 – Becoming A Psychologist (Module Leader – Dr Alasdair Gordon Findlayson)

Your Programme Leader

profile photo of doctor robert lyon

Dr Robert Lyon

Senior Lecturer Exercise and Health Psychology


Welcome and Induction Session

This is your induction timetable with online sessions starting on 10th September 2024, and in-person sessions starting on 17th September 2024. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me Robert.Lyon@northampton.ac.uk.

We understand that going to University represents a huge change to your life and can be incredibly exciting but also quite daunting. To support your first steps at UON, we have created an online support session for you to find out what’s what – from where to go on your first days and weeks of study, to where to find the library and other learning resources. This is an excellent opportunity to ask us any nagging questions you may have about the programme. The big thing you’ll often hear me say is ‘there’s no such thing as a stupid question, except the one you don’t ask’, so whatever you need to know, never be afraid to ask.

  • Tuesday 10 September

    • Session: Starting your BSc Sport and Exercise Psychology programme: where to go on your first day, how to read a timetable, how to use NILE, meet the programme leader and teaching team.
    • Time: 2pm onwards
    • Link: Teams session

    Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the session and remember the session will be recorded (i.e. for data protection purposes).

  • Tuesday 17 September

    • Session: Welcome Week Induction. Meet the programme leader, teaching team, and your Personal Academic Tutor in person, tour of the campus.
    • Time: 10.30am onwards
    • Location: Sports Pavilion, Waterside Campus

    Please make sure you arrive in good time before the sessions since you may miss important information once these are started.


    • Session: Activities Session!
    • Time: 2pm onwards
    • Location: Sports Dome and 4G Pitches

    Please make sure you have some kind of fitness clothing if you’d like to join in with the activities.


You are not required to purchase any mandatory kit or textbooks to start this course – all learning resources are provided for you. In addition to this, you may have the option of choosing one of three offers when you begin your studies – a free HP laptop, £500 off Halls accommodation, or ‘campus credits’. It’s your choice but the laptop would be our recommendation because of the nature of your study and because your programme requires you to use a variety of academic software.

As with all sport-related courses, you may require sportwear for times when you find yourselves in the sports dome or fitness labs. We do provide you with a very cool free sport t-shirt, branded to your specific programme, and you can purchase further programme-specific kit from Kit Locker. While this is not compulsory, we do encourage students to consider purchasing an additional pair of tracksuit bottoms/leggings for practical teaching circumstances and for times when you may be representing your course and institution e.g. sporting events, etc.

Our Campus