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Do your last minute research.

  • Hoping to enhance your academic skills?

    To improve your academic skills, you could meet with our Learning Development team who can support you with Academic Skills including:

    • Critical thinking
    • Reflective writing
    • Assignment structure
    • Time Management
    • Presentation skills
    • Exam and revision advice
    • Report writing
    • Maths and stats
    • Referencing
  • Key things to do before arriving on campus and during enrolment

    Before you arrive at UON you will need to ensure that you have gone through our Pre-Arrival Checklist. You will also need to ensure that you are ready for enrolment including pre-enrolling onto your programme and getting ready to attend a face-to-face enrolment session

  • The Guide to Northampton

    Take a look at what Northampton has to offer and some views of undergraduate students already here about eating out, accommodation and the town itself.

  • Watch this video to get a list of things you do not need to bring if you live in university accommodation at the University of Northampton.

  • If you need advice we are here to advise!

    If you are struggling on your course, have had a change of circumstances​, are experiencing life events that are affecting your ability to study or are thinking of leaving the University then we are here to support you. Chat to us and we’ll try our best to help.

    Once you are enrolled, find information on our Student Hub pages (student login required).

  • Your starting point for a new you

    Returning to study can be daunting if you have additional responsibilities but the following schemes are available to help you. You can also get help and advice from our in house Financial Guidance Team (student login required).

    Childcare grant’s available for Parent Students with children under 15 years of age or under 17 years of age with special need.

    The Parent’s Learning Allowance helps with learning costs if you are a full-time student with children.

  • Checklists and important information not to miss

    From pre-arrival checklist, enrolment instructions, welcome packs, IT support and timetable information, it’s all here to support you when you arrive. Take a bit of time to have a look at this information – it will make a difference if you arrive knowing what to do next. Visit the New Students area of the website.

  • Information for Parents and Carers

    Naturally, your parents or guardians may have questions of their own about your time at University. More information for parents and guardians can be found on our webpage, however, it’s important to remember that when you come to University you do so as an adult. This means that whilst we’re happy to answer parents and guardians general questions at certain times, it may be that we have to discuss the topic with you personally due to data protection guidelines. The different teams at the University would be able to advise more on this, as it may depend on the questions that they have.

  • How can you get involved in the Students’ Union

    The Students’ Union is THE place for connecting with other students. You can join sports clubs and societies.

    Be a student rep and present student views to programme leaders, and even become a student officer. It’s a great opportunity to gain excellent employability skills. We offer opportunities for your voice to be heard so you receive the best university experience. Make sure you follow us on social media to keep up to date with everything SU and the ways you can get involved.

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