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Amber Coleman

International Tourism Management with Events Management Joint Honours BA (Hons)*

  • Year of graduation: 2020
  • Current job title: Events Coordinator
  • Organisation / Company: University of Northampton
  • Industry Sector: Higher Education

Your University Experience

Why did you pick this course?

I picked the International Tourism Management and Events Management courses at UON because I had an interest for these industries and felt that they held a lot of opportunity for me in terms of employability and gaining more practical experience rather than just being based on theory. At Open Days when I attended the lecturers talks and asked my questions, it was made clear to me that I would be well supported throughout my studies and I loved the sound of the modules on the course and that there was a mix of compulsory and choice so that I could focus on certain areas that maybe interested me more than others.

What aspects of the course have you enjoyed the most, and why?

The aspects of the course I enjoyed the most was the modules/projects that we were given that reflected real life scenarios/work environments. For example, the Event Logistics module in the Events Management course meant every year I planned and ran a real life event with my group, meaning I got to practice the knowledge I learned to produce a successful event which helped me when I got my first job in the events industry. Another example is the Professional Consultancy module in the International Tourism Management course, this module gave me and a group the opportunity to provide a local business with advice on an event idea and present a plan to them that they could then follow through with in the future.

Your University to Career Journey

How did you gain the qualifications or experience necessary?

I gained the majority of my experience when I was completing my BA Degree in International Tourism Management with Events Management as a lot of the modules were practical so I was able to put my knowledge into practice and learn from my mistakes and identify my strengths by completing tasks and projects similar to those that I’m given in the work place.

I also gained further experience through the Students’ Union as I got a role on the Rounders Team committee as the Events Manager. This gave me the opportunity to further work on my skills I was learning on my course and planned and ran numerous events that raised money for the Students’ Union and Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity.

What extra-curricular activities did you participate while at University, i.e. sports, volunteering, placements?

While studying I also got involved with the SU sport teams and was a member of the rounders team, as well as being on the committee for 2 years, organising events and leading the social media pages to recruit new students and communicate with current students.

How did these extra-curricular activities impact on your career prospects?

I was able to apply my knowledge from my events course and produce my own events without someone overseeing them. This meant that I gained a lot of independence in planning events and developed on skills that I was usually weaker in and was motivated by learning new lessons. This really impacted my career prospects as it made me feel more confident in getting a job in an industry which could sometimes feel quite daunting!

Your Current Role

Describe your career progression so far, are there any particular hurdles you may face?

I am currently working as an Events Coordinator for the University of Northampton, and I think my study at UON helped my personal development as it made me more confident in going into the events industry as I had been able to get experience on the course which was very similar to the working environment and was able to develop on my skills. In Events especially, a lot of the work is working in teams and my study really helped teach me what kind of team member I am and the different kinds of team members you can come across and how to work effectively with each of them.

Which if any skills and knowledge/understanding gained on your degree are useful in your work role?

In my degree I had to write up documents for events which I now use in my work role, for example risk assessments and event plans such as gantt charts.

Your Advice

In one sentence, what advice would you give to undergraduates interested in this work eg tips on gaining entry, accessing opportunities, anything you wish you had known earlier?

Make the most of the academic support around you, wherever this be organising a meeting with your lecturer, personal academic tutor or the library and learning services team!

In ten works or less how would you promote the University of Northampton to prospective students?

At UON you are encouraged and supported in applying your learning to the real working world so you feel confident in finding a job when you graduate.

In ten words or less how would you summarise your University experience?

My University experience was the best experience in my life yet- I met friends for life and pushed myself to get involved in things that I wouldn’t have done if I hadn’t of gone to University.

*UON no longer offers this joint honours programme, but you can study both tourism and events management on Hospitality Management BA (Hons).