Jasmine Chang-Leng

Sport Rehabilitation and Conditioning BSc (Hons)
View the course- Third year (in 23/24)
I decided to study at the University of Northampton because I wanted to do a practical course – this was the first and only course I looked at when exploring my options. I was never sold on university, even when I applied, got a place, and moved in. Then I had my first lecture and my induction day, and I realised I’d made the right choice.
My career aspiration is to work within a team environment, hopefully a women’s sports team – that’s the goal. Regardless, I want to end up doing something I love.
My studies and the environment in which I’m studying are the reason for my personal and academic growth and are giving me the ability to grasp all opportunities life throws at me.
The skill I’ve gained on my degree so far that I feel will be most useful in my future career is critical thinking and I believe it will allow me to thrive in the world of work.
A work placement is offered as part of the course, which is undertaken within the Sports Injury and Rehabilitation Clinic at the University campus. We deal with real life patients, take information, assess them and help them overcome any difficulties, by using different therapies and techniques.
The placement has been a huge benefit, as it has developed my communication and listening skills, enabling me to ensure I ask my patients the right questions to gather the appropriate information. Other skills I’ve developed include listening, organisation, time management, and practical application. Putting my practical skills to use in a safe environment that replicates real life scenarios will help me stand out to future employers when I graduate, as well as giving me experience of how to conduct myself professionally.
My main tip on getting the most benefit from a placement is to make sure you introduce yourself to everyone and explain what you do, so they know to come to you. Otherwise, you hide in the shadows when really, you’re one of the most important members of the team. Your placement is also a time to make any mistakes as you’re being guided by experienced people, so make the most of it and try to experience everything. Also, take a deep breath, because it’s temporary and the time will go so fast.
Aside from my studies, I enjoy playing basketball. Whenever there’s an injury on our team, I get called to help, so I’m constantly switching between player and helper. I find it useful to be able to take on both roles and immediately conduct myself professionally when I need to.
The advice I’d give to undergraduates interested in this career path is to just go with it – if it’s meant to be, it will be. Trust the universe and trust yourself – nothing is ever permanent, but at least you tried your best and that’s all you can ever do. Everything will always work out in the end, so it’s okay Champ, you’ve got this.
My UON experience so far has been the best, most euphoric experience of my entire life.