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Nanami Fukutaka

  • Course Title: Sociology
  • Year of Study: 2023
  • Length of Course: 1 semester (UON exchange programme completes January 2024)

You and UON

How did you find out about the University of Northampton (UON) exchange programme?

Through my current university, Eikei University (Japan); they advertised these opportunities to students.

What made you want to apply for the programme?

I was drawn to UK experience and was advised by International Officer, Kantarose, about the ideal course for me which made me pick UON.

What do you like most about the University?

The free sports and societies here. I am a member of crochet, dance and art societies. I have made many friends through these societies, including my best friend who is Vietnamese.

Your UON course

What do you most like about the course?

I like the education in sociology module. There is a lot of time for discussion in this module and it helps me to see lots of different perspectives.

Have you attended any field trips/industry talks/placements/careers fairs?

I attended the careers fair and found some volunteering opportunities that I hope to do soon!

How is the course assessed, and do you have any tips for completing assignments/assessments?

A mix of assignments, exams and presentations. They can be challenging for exchange students like myself, so I advise students to always ask for help. I got very ill and could not complete one of the assignments, but my tutor was able to give me an extension.

How will this course help you with your career goals? Are the modules relevant?

I want to be a journalist, so although it does not directly relate, it has made me more independent and opened my eyes to new experiences and cultures.

Your UON experience

What extra-curricular activities are you involved with? (i.e. sports, volunteering, societies)

Dance, crochet and art (as above)

What do you like most about living in Northampton?  (i.e. your favourite place to eat out!)

It is a quiet town which is good for studying and mental health. It is quite similar to where I am from in Japan in that it is a fusion between city and countryside living.

If English is not your first language, how do you manage?

I understand everything but sometimes struggle to keep up with fast conversations. It takes time but I am improving the more I am here.

What makes UK education different to your home country?

Quite similar and similar small class sizes like UON which I like.

What is the cost of living like in Northampton?

It is more expensive than Japan, but I save money by cooking myself. I can get most of the ingredients in the Asian supermarkets here.

What do you think?

What tips would you give to potential students interested in this course and career? (i.e. preparing before you arrive in the UK, how to make the most of your time etc.)

Bring warm clothes as the UK is cold, look after your health. Join societies to make friends.

How would you summarise your University experience?

Challenging, fun and a real journey.