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Sadie Oleary

Nursing Associate FdSc

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  • Year of study: Second year (in 2022/23)
  • Length of course: Two years

Your University Journey

Why did you decide to study at the University of Northampton?

The University of Northampton is linked with Milton Keynes Hospital for an apprenticeship scheme, so I was able to continue working whilst studying.

What are your career goals/aspirations?

To become a registered nurse.

How do you think your studies will help your career or personal development when you graduate?

I’m learning nursing skills, as well as communication skills.

Which, if any, skills and knowledge/understanding gained on your degree do you feel will be most useful in your future career?

Communication skills.

Your Placement

Have you completed a placement? Please detail where this was, the role and an outline of your duties?

Yes, I’ve worked within frailty, diabetic, post-surgical and paediatrics A&E. My duties included everything from bed-making to administering medications, as well as working alongside the multidisciplinary team in the wider hospital, such as district nurses and rapid response.

Please describe how your placement benefitted you?

It’s expanded my knowledge of other areas within the hospital, as well as increasing my learning and development.

What employability skills did you develop during your placement?

Communication and resilience.

How do you think the placement will help you with gaining employment after graduating?

My placement has made me more confident when going into new settings within a new team.

Do you have any tips on applying for or getting the most benefit from your placement?

Have a notepad and pen ready. If you’re at a loss of what to do, then scribe – note taking is essential for reflection.

Visit the area before you start – introduce yourself to the staff, get your bearings and read up on the type of patients they will have. That way you can prepare a list of tasks you’d like to complete and experience whilst you’re there.

What advice would you give a student about to begin a placement?

Be open-minded to taking part in as much as you can – all tasks, no matter how small, will include an element of nursing that you can learn from. Even if I’m just making a bed and replacing linen, I’m always listening to how the nurse is speaking to the patients and the information they are providing, and if there’s something I’m unsure of, I always ask.

Extra-curricular Activities

Do you do any extra-curricular activities at UON, whilst studying?

Yes, I’m a student rep for my cohort, advocating for the group on issues and raising the positives too.

How do you think these extra-curricular activities will enhance your career prospects?

Being a student rep has boosted my confidence, taken me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to explore different ways of communicating issues in a professional manner.

Your Advice

What advice would you give to undergraduates interested in this career path, or anything you wish you had known earlier?

Be ready to be flexible, as the hours can be tiring and long but are absolutely worth it. Advocate for yourself, put yourself forward for anything you can, and always take the opportunity as it will increase your knowledge and development.

In ten words or less, how would you summarise your UON experience?

I’m eternally grateful for the opportunity and wouldn’t change anything.