Satveer Brar

- Course studied: Applied Social Care and Health Studies BA (Hons)*
* We no longer offer this course under this title. An alternative course is Health and Social Care Practice BA (Hons).
My key reason for studying Applied Social Care and Health Studies at UON was because I wanted to choose a sector that’s rewarding. Individuals who work in health and social care report high levels of job satisfaction.
Before this course, I had no previous experience in health and social care. I wanted to choose a course that gave me the practical skills and knowledge to progress in the health and social care sector and I felt like this course would be a great stepping stone for me to do that.
The part of the course I enjoyed the most was the module choices, as I felt like they were very detailed modules and how they were taught made it easier for someone with no previous experience of the sector to learn, develop and understand what was being taught. The particular modules I enjoyed the most were Working with an Ageing Population, Integrated Perspectives on Diseases, and Research Methods.
I think my studies will really help my future career, because as someone who hadn’t been involved in the health and social care sector before, I was able to gain knowledge on topics such as public health and health promotion. In addition to this, I acquired transferable skills that will be useful for future job roles, as well as with my postgraduate study, such as decision-making, presenting and goal setting. The skills and knowledge I gained during my studies I now use every day in my job in the social care sector and will be skills I’ll use when studying my postgraduate course. From a personal development point of view, the course has also allowed me to improve my self-confidence, by taking part in group activities and presentations. Throughout my time at UON, I was constantly improving myself.
After finishing my studies, I got a job in social care as a Care Coordinator, to gain some experience in the sector as this was required in order to study Occupational Therapy MSc, which I’m hoping to begin in January 2024.
If I could give one piece of advice to undergraduates interested in this career path, it would be to try and get some experience in the health and social care sector whilst you’re studying, as this will be vital when you graduate.